“shook” is a video series from Biblica – the publishers of the New International Version (NIV) Bible, and managers of the popular YouVersion Bible app – that features global influencers sharing their real and raw encounters with the power of Scripture. The voices in this series are not of people you’d expect, like a preacher or best-selling spiritual author. Instead, they are well-known experts in their specific field – artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, social activities, scientists, philanthropists, etc. – and sometimes these voices are viewed as Christian “outsiders”. This is the pilot episode featuring Dr. Ard Louis, Professor of Theoretical Physics at Oxford University. Each video leverages animation to illustrate each influencer’s personal story.
“Global influencers sharing their real and raw encounters with the power of Scripture”
Executive Producers: Justin Bell & Wes Halula
Directors: Wes Halula & Justin Bell
Illustrator: Liz Kay
Animator: Mariana Lopez
Editor: Matt Reithmayr
Sound Design: Ned Lott & Ellis Burman
Colorist: Vanishing Angle
Ard Louis Interview Filmed By: Quirky Motion
Technical Advisor: Matt Ryan